Thursday 31 January 2013

Fifth Draft - Script

EXT. Field - Night 17 - 22:30 (1790)


The plane crashes.

A student named JASON aged 16. Jason is dressed in his school uniform, a blue blazer with a red tie with black pants. He rests unconsciously on the ground. Slowly wakes up and finds him lost in the centre of a huge, empty field of grass with the aeroplane crashed into the floor a few feet away.

He analyse the area surrounding him and noticed the sparkling necklace lying on the floor. Picks it up and examines it from all angles. He realises that it was his necklace that dropped and wears it.

INT. Aeroplane – 22:34
He scans the area and everything is empty. All the seats are filled with food and drinks but however sees not a person in sight.

    (He looks confused and worried)
          What happened?
     Where did they all go?

EXT. Field - 22:36

Jason spots a man picking some herbs so he rushes over towards him. He begins to panic and talks to the man with a worried face.

                                                    (Has no clue)
Where is this?
What day and year is it?

The man looks at him, with a confused face. He begins to notice the unusual clothing he is currently wearing.

Er, this is the land
of Niro. Today is the
17th of November,
Year 1790.

                    WHAT?! That’s impossible…

The boy turns around and sighs heavily and tries not to panic and calm himself down.

                   Jason (V.O.):
Where the hell did
I end up at..? What
will be my destiny?

24th July 2010 (Flashback)

INT. Jason’s Room – Morning 24– 08:15
The sound of the alarm lets out a cry surrounding the room.
Jason wakes up, looking frustrated he smashes the clock with his fists and half-awake he walks downstairs slowly into the kitchen.

INT. Kitchen – 08:18
His father consumes his food from the bowl and begins to scan the newspaper whilst his mother washing the dishes cleanly, leaving no spot of dirt.

Where is Lucy?
Has she not come
down yet, is she
still sleeping?

Jason’s Mother:
I haven’t seen her this
morning; maybe you should
go and wake her up.

INT. Staircase – 08:20
Jason ascends the stairs and arrives at Lucy’s room. He opens the door and just charges in without thinking for a second.

INT. Lucy’s Room – 08:21

Jason (V.O.):
LUCY (16), my twin younger
sister.She has a cheerful
personality and likes to
socialise with her friends
and family. However, she
is nowhere in sight. She probably
woke up and went to school early.

Jason exits Lucy’s room and heads back downstairs to the living room.

INT. Living Room – 08:24

     TV – News Reporter:
There have been some
serious problems due to
the severe weather.Please
be careful and for more
information about the
weather, please visit
the link ‘’.

Come on, this better not
affect our class trip.

Jason’s Father:
(Reading the newspaper)
Hopefully, it will be
ok by tomorrow.

Jason rushes out of the house and leaves for school.

I’m leaving!

Jason (V.O):
And that was the last
time I saw them.

EXT. High School/Gates – 8:30
He reaches the school grounds and spots RYAN from afar near the school gates, he rushes towards him. RYAN is walking towards the school building. He is wearing the school uniform and has headphones in his ear.

Jason (V.O):
                   Ryan (16), my best friend. He
                   is usually quiet and very

(shouts from the distance)
Yo! Ryan, Morning!
Let me borrow your

Jason catches up with Ryan; he looks at his iPod and then caught a glimpse of Jason and jumped.

Oh... It’s just
you, Jason.

                   Did you check out the weather
for this weekend? Crazy huh?

Yeah..., looks pretty


The bell rings and MR. O’BRIAN makes his appearance. He is dressed smartly in a black suit and a pink tie coming from his collar in black trousers. He is quite skinny and always looks either angry or annoyed.

Alright kids, to lesson!
Don’t be late or I shall see you lot
after school in detention.

Jason and Ryan make their way to class.

INT. High School/Corridor – 8:44

The two makes their way into their class and reaches their classroom door. Ryan hands over his homework to Jason to copy.

Here, it’s what you
wanted right? You should
do it at least once in a while.

Ha-ha, thanks again.

INT. High School/Classroom – 8:45

For tomorrow’s trip, please
remember to meet at airport
approximately at 7:30am. Make
sure to check and bring anything
that might be needed, Passports are
the main thing.

That’s all, class dismissed!


EXT. Field – Night 17 (1790) – 22:34

Jason climbs the hill to experience a wider view from afar and spots a large group of soldiers, fighting with blood spilling out from them.

Two soldiers unexpectedly encountered him and point their sword towards the boy.

Soldier 1:
STOP! Who are you?

Soldier 2:
He doesn’t look like one
of the enemies, there’s a
chance that he might be a spy.
Or maybe he might be that
person’s friend?

Soldier 2:
Let’s arrest him for questioning,
since he came out of the sky with
that unidentified technology
crashing down. He looks suspicious.

(tries to break free)
What?! Hey, let me go!

Jason (V.O):
They led me to this massive tower
that looked like it pierced the

They went all the way to the top floor and threw Jason into an empty cell.

INT. Tower/Cell – 22:55

He grips the cell bars and tries to break free. He spots a mysterious man named CHARLIE inside the cell with him. He is wearing a white suit with a blue tie which is pretty easy to spot from a distance in black jeans. He is sat in the corner.

(He lets out his anger)
You have got to be kidding me!

Charlie spots Jason’s student ID slips out of his pocket and landed on the floor ending up next to Charlie. Charlie picks up the card and inspects it.

You’re Jason Smith?
Finally, I found you at last.


EXT. Field – 23:00

NAOMI, (21) wearing shinobi shozoko is currently pursuing Jason from a distance. She hides behind a large rock just looking at the entrance of a tower with two guards at the front of the gate.

Naomi (V.O):
Hm, I see.
So the enemy has taking
him to their tower.
Intesting. I better report back
before I make a move.

INT. Cell – Night 17 – 23:02

(demanding answers)
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
Where is this?

My name is Charlie Thompson.

I came from the future to find a
guy named Jason Smith. I was on my
way towards that big city in the
North to look for him until I saw you
and your aeroplane crashing down, I
thought you might have been the one
I am looking for so I followed you
and got captured by those soldiers
around here.

The year 2040, will be the last year
for Earth as when that time comes
everything will be completely destroyed
and aliens will be taking over our
planet so I was sent here to this time
to find him as when searching for him, it
said he was in 1790.

Why were you crashing down
falling from the sky anyway?


INT. Airport – Morning - 25 (2010) 07:30

The class entering the security point and it’s Jason’s turn to show his passport to the woman.

(puts out her hand)
Passport please


She compares the picture on the passport and then looks at me.

Have a safe flight

INT. Plane – 07:35
The class all successfully gets past and boards the plane. Jason looks outside the window. He takes a deep breath and then exhales slowly and closes his eyes.

Jason (V.O):
This weather looks really
severe, I hope everything
goes smoothly.

INT. Cell – Night 17 – 23:04

                                       And then what? What happened after that?

                                      The plane lost control and we crashed.


INT. Airplane – Night 26 23:19 (2010)
The pilot seems to be struggling to control the airplane with the ruthless weather affecting the movements of the airplane. The plane seems to be out of control and moving about.

Passengers, this is the Captain here.
We seem to be experiencing some difficulty with the controls as the weather and heavy wind seems pretty demanding.
Please remain calm as we are currently looking at the situation and will be in control as soon as possible.

Everyone begins to panic and starts to be worried and scared. Screams and shout echoes throughout the airplane.The teacher looks out the window and sees something.

What’s that over there?
It’s too dark; my eyes can’t
seem to make a clear vision of it.

We seem to be moving closer
towards it.It’s like it is sucking
us in!


INT. Cell – Night 17 – 23:15 (1790)

Ah, I see.It all makes sense now.
You should be wearing a piece of the puzzle
right? That’s how you were able
to time travel to the past.

Jason examines his necklace and spots it glowing.

Huh? I thought this was just
a normal old necklace that my
grandfather gave to me.

You are the only one who can
save the world, you must use
that necklace as a key to close
the door and save our planet.
There are 10 pieces that are scattered
across the timeline that needs to be assembled together in order to be able to break the door to the dimension so we can stop the world’s destruction.

Charlie pulls out an unknown device from his pocket and shows it to Jason

Jason (V.O):
What is this technology?
Maybe he really is from
the future...

Here, this device will show
you what will happen if you
do not do anything.
The device shows an image of time
2040, there are enormous buildings
and all are being demolished by the
aliens invading planet Earth.
flying hoverships that holds aliens
inside has covered the air.
aliens holding in their arm weapon
machinery that fires lasers at the
buildings leaving nothing in sight.

INT. Cell – 23:25

I tracked down the current holder of that             necklace and this is how I ended up here.
If we change what happens in this time,
it might affect the future timeline
and the world could be saved.

There is so much to take in; I don’t
really know what is going on anymore!
But I will do whatever I can in my
power to help…

(gets up)
(Excited)That’s the spirit!
But first, we need to find a
way out...

INT. Cell – 23:27

The sound of an explosion echoed into the distance and a soldier just appeared from the corner in the corridor, falling down on the floor screaming from pain and then became unconscious.
A girl appears and walks towards their cell and breaks them out. As she gets closer, her face makes out to be Naomi.

                     SOUND: ALARM

Were you the people who
came from the sky crashing
down with that mysteriously
looking technology?

Who’s asking?

My name is Naomi; I have your friend who came crashing down from the skies with you. Either help us and make us win this war, or you can rot in this cell and your friend dies.

Jason (V.O):
Friend?! There shouldn’t be
anyone else but me…


EXT. Field - Night 17 - 22:20 (1790)

Ryan barely opens his eyes and sees himself on the other side of the airplane. He is being dragged by two women who he couldn’t make out and slowly lost conscious.

                   Ryan (V.O):
                   Whats going on…
                   Where are they taking me?


INT. Cell – 23:30

Too many innocent people have died in this pointless war including my parents. I want to stop this war so that no more people will die.

                   Well, whats the point in asking...?
                   You give us no choice anyway.

                   Fine, we’ll help you, now get us out.

Naomi takes out the keys from the soldier’s pockets and opens the door. Jason and Charlie walks out of the cell.

We are currently at the 50th floor. It’s not going to be easy to break out, there are countless of guards roaming around. Be careful. The alarm must have set off all the guards to be alert and they will be here any minute now so we must hurry.

Alright! It’s time to break out!
Are you ready?                                  
Then let’s begin!

To get to the bottom floor we need to find the lift key, which should be in the control room.
It should be this way. Follow me!

INT. Control Room – 23:45

Naomi leads Jason and Charlie into the control room, dead bodies of soldiers lying around.

(looks at Naomi):
                    Did… you do this?!

                    If I didn't, then who did?

Jason looks at the screen where all of the cameras are located and looking around the whole tower. He managed to spot one in the corner and becomes shocked due to realising it is Lucy. It shows Lucy being chained in a prison cell being beaten up with cuts, bruises and blood spilling from her.

                     Jason (V.O):
                     That’s not Lucy…
  is it?!


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