Monday 25 February 2013

Acted Out

Acted Out

When it was acted out, there was no emotion when reading out the script of the characters that acted out the characters, so to enable it to produce feelings and emotions I decided to add actions that they will take in order to show how they speak their part.

There was too much speaking at once, so to enable this to work better and to improve I have given each character more time to breathe in-between when speaking so that they can catch their breath to be able to continue to act their part out.

When acting out the part when Jason time traveled  a slight idea came into my mind and I added it into the script. This is making the script look better presented and additional stories being added into the script.

Friday 22 February 2013

Focus Group

Focus Group

What could I do to improve on my script?

A suggestion that could help improve on the script is by changing the font size to 12 and the font style to Courier. This enables the script to look more professional and actually look like its set out like a script.

Another one would be to add extra addition story lines for each character that is introduced and talk at their past, what happened and why they are being introduced.

What did you like about my T.V Script?

The story is travelling into the future and past which sounds very interesting and the story is hard to predict. It starts off with just a normal typical life and then suddenly unexpected things start to occur and then start the beginning of a new story.

 How could I improve my DVD Cover?

A way of improving my DVD cover is that the title at the front is hard to see, so to be able to make it better I will have to change the colour of the title text into a colour that makes it stand out.

Internet Research

Internet Research

I did my internet research on ‘’, this allowed me to make my script better. Some examples would be such as changing the font to ‘Courier’ and adding in INT. and EXT. This website told me the appropriate size of font to use which is size 12. In addition, it told me how to use the FADE IN and FADE OUT function for the script which can help the script look better.

Monday 18 February 2013

The Dumping Ground - Script

1 INT. DG, KITCHEN - 11.30 AM
An odd-angled, periscope view in to the Laundry Room on TEE and
CARMEN. They’re pleading with GINA as she pulls washing from
the machine and heaps it in a laundry basket.
Please, Gina!
(not for the first time)
You are not going to a party thrown by
a boy who’s in Year 12.
It’s not fair! Everyone else is.
Including his parents?
GINA gives CARMEN a ‘subject closed’ look.
The periscope swings round and takes in JOHNNY (muddy) coming in
the back door, carrying a muddy, rusty, ancient metal, padlocked
box. JOHNNY’s followed by FRANK (muddy) holding a metal
HARRY lowers his toy periscope and joins JOHNNY as he heaves the
box on to the table, where RICK, GUS, JODY and TYLER are hanging
CARMEN and TEE join the YP during this dialogue.
(triumphant to Rick)
Told you my metal detector wasn’t a
waste of money!
Why, what’ve you found?
Don’t know - we couldn’t open it.
A very upbeat MIKE enters, dressed in a loud holiday shirt with
a battered straw hat set back on his head.
I’m off!
GINA appears from the Laundry Room holding the full laundry
basket. She puts it on the counter near the back door. JOHNNY
and FRANK quickly move so they’re hiding the box from MIKE and
GINA’s view.
TDG - Ep 01 Home Alone by Elly Brewer
Copyright: BBC 2012 1
Take me with you!
Send us a postcard.
Bring me back a present.
Have a great time.
MIKE (cont’d)
(to the YP at the table)
Now... no loud music, no kitchen
experiments, no fighting. And no
playing the relief care worker up.
As if we would!
MIKE pulls a disbelieving face, then does some ‘moves’ as he
heads to the door.
JOHNNY and FRANK go back to the box, watched by CARMEN, TEE,
Caribbean Queen - now we're sharing
the same dream. And our hearts
will... (beat as one, no more love on
the run)
MIKE realises no-one’s following him.
MIKE (cont’d)
Aren’t you coming to wave me off?
They’re busy. And I don’t want to
talk to you, because you’re going away
for two weeks.
I’ll be here to look after you.
You’re not as good at it as Mike.
GINA ushers MIKE out.
As MIKE and GINA come round from the Kitchen:
Don’t forget Rick’s new dentist
... I know.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

DVD Cover - Analysis

Doctor Who

This DVD Cover of Doctor WHO has included the male and female gazes of the audience. The image of the DVD cover explains the genre of the TV drama series making it look very futuristic.  There are features of the direct mode of address as the male on the right seems to be looking directly at the camera, making it looking like he is looking at us. The iconography used in this cover is a time machine indicating that the series will be relating to the time of past, present and future and will be travelling back and forth. The icon of BBC at the spine indicates the channel that this TV series will be on. The font style and colour that are used in the title of the drama shows the link between the images and the word as the colours looks similar; this creates a sense of mystery as a result. It also has included the age requirement to watch this series as shows that this drama’s targeted audience is aged 15+. The title’s size is massive and in capitals so this indicates the aggressive and forceful, this is a way to be able to stand out from the rest and is eye catching. The representation of the female is shown as equal with all of the males shown. 

Prison Break

The main title ‘PRISON BREAK’ is in bold, big and in capital letters. This makes it eye catching and standing out trying to get across a message. The image in the DVD cover shows 2 males running; this explains that they are on the run with a police car in the background chasing them. This represents the genre of the TV series being a crime and mystery series as the title ‘Prison Break’ is based on criminals breaking out of jail, the image creates the process of building suspense and tension of trying their best to outrun the police car. There are 2 female gazes in the DVD cover. The photos in the back of the DVD cover are screenshots of the TV series. The image in the front of the DVD cover indicates that it is fast paced as their stance is running; this shows the connotations of them rushing and panicking. The target audience this TV series is aimed is fans that are fans of these actors.


The title ‘LOST’ is in bold and in capital letters, this shows that the TV series is probably about the genre of Fantasy and Adventure. There is an image of the sky in the front cover and the people in the front are looking lost and puzzled, this highlights the fantasy and the drama of the series. The back of the cover shows a letter in a bottle being washed away, this shows the connotations of them seeking for help and a long shot of an island from a distance. The target audience of this TV series will be aimed at people that are fans of these actors or people that like this type of genre. There is the direct mode of address as the people on the cover are looking at the camera. There are male and female gazes in the front of the DVD cover. The spine of the DVD cover shows an image of the people lost so this will attract people’s attention and stands out from other DVDs so this will be able to be found easily.