Friday 22 February 2013

Focus Group

Focus Group

What could I do to improve on my script?

A suggestion that could help improve on the script is by changing the font size to 12 and the font style to Courier. This enables the script to look more professional and actually look like its set out like a script.

Another one would be to add extra addition story lines for each character that is introduced and talk at their past, what happened and why they are being introduced.

What did you like about my T.V Script?

The story is travelling into the future and past which sounds very interesting and the story is hard to predict. It starts off with just a normal typical life and then suddenly unexpected things start to occur and then start the beginning of a new story.

 How could I improve my DVD Cover?

A way of improving my DVD cover is that the title at the front is hard to see, so to be able to make it better I will have to change the colour of the title text into a colour that makes it stand out.

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