Friday 22 March 2013

Poster Analysis - The Big Bang Theory

On the poster it shows seven protagonists, with a female in the centre giving off a seductive pose, this implies that she is the male gaze in this TV series. Because she is positioned in the middle of the poster, this could signify that the show will be based mainly about her.

The way the other casts are positioned and their gesture might explain that this could be a comedy type genre with a little bit of romance in between. The title ‘the BiG BANG THEORY’ is all in bold which makes it eye-catching for viewers when they come across this.

The word ‘THEORY’ is usually linked to science which might clarify what all the people in the poster might have in common. The way they are portrayed with their hand gestures and their facial expressions give off a nerdy vibe feeling. This explains the stereotypes being used by showing the type of clothing they are wearing and the use of glasses which glasses are used as a generic convention of being a nerd and clever. 

There is also the use of direct mode of address as they are all looking straight at the camera. The age rating for this show is 15+, this explains that the targeted audience is for people aged 15-35.

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