Saturday 9 March 2013

Report On Two TV Drama Programmes

Report On Two TV Drama Programmes

Ø  Prison Break
Prison Break is on TV for about 1 hour long. There were multiple stories in this TV Drama as each character has a story being brung along with them as they appeared in the series. Although all of their stories is all linked together as they end up together at the same place in prison.  They all have the same purpose, to break out of prison. Hence the name ‘Prison Break’. They all act very serious in this show as it looks like they are determined to get out of prison. There are lots of scene changes and the location is always different when it’s changed. This TV Drama includes many characters at an approximate of 12. The way they interacted was sometimes at parts were very serious and sometimes were jokes. There was some conflict between characters as they were in fights and such.

Ø  Friends
Friends are usually on for about 35 minutes. There is usually a different story for each character, and the storyline differs depending on the episode. The scene changes and the location in this TV Drama changes a lot and they are mostly at the cafe or at their department. Sometimes the scene is on the streets. The way they interact is mostly pulling off jokes and are not serious. But there are times when they interact a little bit serious. The number of characters in this TV Drama is 6 as there is six friends, however there are sometimes guest that come onto the show.

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